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Allergy Information

Please keep reading for the Cookery Club allergy information. If you would like to book a class, click the link below to be redirected to the booking page.

Image by American Heritage Chocolate

Cookery Clubs will do everything it can to reduce the risk of any students consuming an allergen that could cause an allergic reaction.

Please contact Cookery Clubs to discuss any severe food allergies prior to booking a class online. We must speak to you before you visit the school if you have a severe allergy or severe dietary intolerance.

We will become as flexible as possible, where we can remove a specific ingredient from a student’s recipe we will but we are unable to remove that ingredient for every student attending.

We handle all types of ingredients in the JW3 kitchen, and we are not able to be a completely allergen free environment.

The JW3 kitchen is multi-purpose therefore this makes the kitchen unsuitable for those with life-threatening allergies, in such cases as these we would suggest getting in touch with the team to arrange a private lesson in your own home with Anastasia. Please contact Cookery Clubs at for more information.

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